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Showing posts from January 23, 2011

Claim Your Facebook Email

Today there is a new facebook feature called "The New Messages" "Texts, chat and email together in one simple conversation" , which will make facebook users have personal email and will make facebook users more easy to view and manage facebook messages. And an email address that we can use on facebook, is exactly same with your facebook public username . For example, if your facebook public username is, then the email address you will get is This facebook email can you get, when you are upgrading to new messages page, and maybe before that, you must already have a facebook public username as mentioned above.

10 Adverse Effects Facebook For Students

Facebook negative impact on teenagers, students and children. Facebook negative impact is increasingly felt, even though the Facebookers many are not aware of the influence of negati facebook. Perhaps because the name is already addicted to facebook. But it is precisely this that is dangerous, which is not realized. Okay, for you the youth and students as well as children, you must know what the negative impact of this facebook. Because of facebook users is dominated by the 14-24 year olds as much as 61.1%.

Mysterious Signs, Crop Circle in Sleman Yogyakarta Indonesia

This information is alarming residents Sleman Yogyakarta, with the emergence of a strange sign in the paddy field owned by one of the residents in the area. Strange circular marks that are 70 meters in diameter, the local residents believe as a former UFO that landed in the rice field area. These strange signs, better known as Crop Circle , and events like this, ever happened before in Indonesia and also in several other countries.