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301 redirect Implemented on Wordpress 2.9

Yupz, sesuai judulnya kini Wordpress versi 2.9 mengimplementasikan 301 redirect atau permanent redirect. Pada versi sebelumnya wordpress menerapkan 302 redirect atau temporary redirect.

Senang juga dengan adanya perubahan ini, karena dengan diimplementasikannya 301 redirect maka situs kita jadi lebih SEO frendly, dan mudah diindex oleh search engine seperti google. Dan google sendiri merekomendasikan para webmaster untuk menggunakan 301 redirect pada situs yang di buat. Lebih lanjut tentang rekomendasi google tentang 301 redirect silahkan kunjungi Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Dan buat rekan-rekan blogger semua pengguna wordpress self hosting bila ada diantara anda yang belum melakukan update maka lakukan sekarang juga :D. Dan untuk mengetahui apakah situs/blog kita menggunakan 301 atau 302 redirect silahkan gunakan tool yang ada di situs ini

Berikut hasil test blog saya menggunakan tool tersebut :

* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect
* returns a 301 (permanent) redirect

Potential problems on this site
All looks ok chief.

Explanation of response codes

* 200 - A valid page has been found at the specified URL
* 404 - No page was found at the specified URL
* 301 - The specified URL does a search engine friendly redirect to another page
* 302 - The specified URL does a non search engine friendly redirect to another page
* other - It would be unusual to receive a response other than those listed above

What these results mean

Normally, people using this tool will be wanting to check their site for duplicate content. One cause of duplicate content is having the same page available from more than one URL.

The purpose of this tool is to quickly see the responses generated from a range of URLs.

Generally speaking, only one of these should return a 200 response, and this is usually

If any of the index.htm, index.php, index.asp, default.asp etc are returning a 200 response, you have a duplicate content problem. All these pages should return a 404 or a 301 response.

Nah itu saja info dan tips dari saya untuk para blogger semua pengguna WP engine. :)


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