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Upgrading PhpMyAdmin in Xampp for Windows

A few days ago, I upgrading PhpMyAdmin from version 3.3.9 to version 3.4.0 on Xampp for Windows.

Before I explaine how to upgrade phpmyadmin in Xampp for Windows®, here are some brief about PhpMyAdmin.
What is PhpMyAdmin?
"phpMyAdmin is a free software tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the World Wide Web. phpMyAdmin supports a wide range of operations with MySQL. The most frequently used operations are supported by the user interface (managing databases, tables, fields, relations, indexes, users, permissions, etc), while you still have the ability to directly execute any SQL statement.
phpMyAdmin bookphpMyAdmin bookphpMyAdmin bookphpMyAdmin book

phpMyAdmin comes with a wide range of documentation and users are welcome to update our wiki pages to share ideas and howtos for various operations. The phpMyAdmin team will try to help you if you face any problem, you can use variety of support channels to get help."

Complete Description, read here

The first thing you must to do is download PhpMyAdmin script in, then extract them to folder C:\xampp (Xampp Installation folder). But before start, first you must rename old phpmyadmin folder for backup in case of error in new phpmyadmin script.

When finished copying all the files, now to do is copy 2 configuration files in old phpmyadmin folder to the new folder. The file is and

When finished copying the files then it's time to try PhpMyAdmin v3.4.0. And the result is really great, the login page and the PhpMmyAdmin dashboard now looks more elegant.Here are some screenshots of PhpMyAdmin v3.4.0 in Xampp v1.7.4-VC6 for Windows.


  1. I spen six hours trying to figure this out. thanks

  2. never came across such a rubbish post. No way one could upgrade their phpmyadmin following this post.

    1. Anonymous13 June, 2013

      Worked for me! I updated from v3.5 to v4.03, doing exactly as written.

  3. Anonymous06 May, 2013

    I've done the update like these line

    "The first thing you must to do is download PhpMyAdmin script in, then extract them to folder C:\xampp (Xampp Installation folder). But before start, first you must rename old phpmyadmin folder for backup in case of error in new phpmyadmin script.

    When finished copying all the files, now to do is copy 2 configuration files in old phpmyadmin folder to the new folder. The file is and"

    All is running perfect

  4. Anonymous26 May, 2013

    thanks buddy it works

  5. Works great!

  6. Works fine! Just updated phpMyAdmin to 4.0.5 followed this post.

  7. It worked!
    Just updated phpMyAdmin to 4.0.5

  8. Thanks, it is very easy, i was upgraded to 4.0.5. very nice article.

  9. Thank you very much. I just updated updated to 4.1.13 . I switched but there was no file. Everything seems to be working great.

  10. Thank you very much. It was easy. I switched the file but there was not a file. Everything seems to be working great.

  11. Anonymous15 July, 2014

    if i update my phpmyadmin so all my database that i've created will be lost??

    1. Your Database never lost, it's just update your phpmyadmin page :)

  12. Thank you! It helps a lot!


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