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YouTube 6 years Anniversary 2011

YouTube is celebrating its sixth anniversary this month. YouTube hits 3 billion views per day. Can you trust that YouTube is already six years old?

Since Google buy the video-sharing facility in October 2006, it has blown up in a big way. The Google supplementary is doing it partly by contribution some big numbers that underscore its overwhelming dominance in the online video streaming worlds.

Today marks its sixth anniversary, but there aren’t any large bashes or balloons to celebrate (different from last year’s five-year birthday). Instead, just a blog post that mentions its birthday along with a number of facts and tidbits about the facility. YouTube says worldwide daily views have increase up to 50 percent in the past 12 months, which means they currently control a whopping 3 billion views per day.

To put that in some perspective: According to comScore’s Video Metrix, YouTube ranked as the top online video content property in April (U.S. only) with 142.7 million unique viewers, followed by VEVO with 55.2 million viewers, Yahoo Sites with 53.2 million viewers and Facebook with 46.7 million viewers.

YouTube announcement blog post:
"That’s the equivalent of nearly half the world’s population watching a YouTube video each day, or every U.S. resident watching at least nine videos a day."

Quoted from YouTube Facebook
YouTube is 6 years old today! And we thank our community for 2 amazing birthday presents.
#1 - you are uploading more than 48 hours (2 days) worth of video to YouTube every minute!
#2 - this past weekend you drove YouTube video views past the 3 billion mark!

Also worth noting: YouTube says it has exceeded over 48 hours of video uploaded to the site every single minute (which, they add, represents a 100 percent increase year over year).
The company names three main reasons for this growth, citing an increase in live streaming events, longer upload times and also faster upload processing times.

That is a whole lotta video watching and uploading, and you can bet that mobile devices play a huge part in all that. Now that you can record videos and upload them straight from your device, like the iPhone, it becomes easier to be part of these statistics.


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