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9 excess google+ (google plus)

Here are 9 excess google+ (google plus)

1. Repost
Repost There are facilities that have Reshared term, so we can directly quote a status of friends that exist in our circle. It's like Retweet on Twitter, on Facebook? no.

2. Set the status
status that we make can be arranged if it should not be shared or should not be commented upon return.

3. diverse modes letters
Unlike the FB and Twitter, in G + (Google + acronym) can write a status with oblique fashion, graffiti, or bold, exciting right?

4. Gif image extensions allowed
Gif indeed makes loading a long time, but it works in G + gif extension so the image can be run as usual when dishared in G + status.

5. Live Notification
if there is a notification on FB then to see the comments of people then we need to go the page in question. Not with the G + because we can immediately see the status of what once dikomentarin can directly reply to comments, sophisticated!

6. Lightweight
With the live facility notification should require a connection that qualified but was a mediocre connection can be smoothly opened the G +.

7. Instant Upload
I tried G + application on Android and there are facilities Instant Upload, initially I thought photographing ago to "share" photos, it was not like that because once we shoot images on Android applications directly uploaded the photo automatically. Many are afraid to later photographs can tershare inappropriate, but it turns out that in an instant photo was uploaded in an album and not published in the Stream.

8. Huddle
This facility can only be used in mobile applications G +, similar to a group chat IM and very stable great when I used.

9. Tag System
Similar to FB, the G + can make a tag on the status of the '@' and '+'. Tags can even be made ​​through the mobile version.


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